Sunday, February 20, 2011

Matai Panthu

Matai Panthu
This is the word coined by Tamil channels like Makkal TV and Kalaignar TV to describe cricket. Crazy it is that they think of even renaming a game in their own language. I mean what is wrong if you call the game as it is. What is the necessity to translate it into your own language? First of all is there any logic in calling it as “Matai Panthu”?
“Matai” in Tamil represents “Bat” in English and “Panthu” in Tamil represents “Ball” in English. I agree that the game of cricket is played with bats and balls. But, what about Hockey, Tennis, Golf, etc? These are also the games which are played with bats and balls, I guess. So, how can one call cricket as “Matai Panthu”? It is absolutely ludicrous. The games which are universally played world over should be left as such. These are common to all and so these proper nouns need not have a separate identity on linguistic basis.
Our politicians, all over India, have a common practice of renaming streets, cities , buildings etc according to their convenience. I think that they intend to extend this self earned right by meddling in sports and games too by renaming them through the television channels they own. We would be grateful if they spare sports atleast if not all. India has umpteen number of languages and if each one of them carries different names for a same sport then it makes no sense virtually.
It is not wrong if you love a language. Of course, everyone has to. But, it should not mean that you should try to erase the terms of other language by giving a nomenclature of your own. Just imagine, if you want to rename “Downing Street” in Tamil will you be calling it as “Vizhunthu Kondirukum Theru”?
All hell will break loose if you go in depth like this.


  1. Its because they love any game where money & fame is involved. Just to ponder, have any of these politicians or whomsoever has ever been ready to sell their peace of mind to be a chairman/president of carrom, chess, koko !!!

    Neither was there any news nor any controversies with these games I don't know what they call these games in Tamil

    They get hit by the Matai and willing to roll from pillar to post to a get post in Matai Panthu board.
